Varias calidades de Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra a granel disponibles
Producimos y seleccionamos una variedad de perfiles organolépticos de virgen extra a granel con aceitunas de nuestra propia cosecha así como establecido alianzas con Cooperativas y Almazaras españolas para exportar mediante embarques parciales a granel su propio depósito
¿Por qué nosotros?
Find your specs required
We supply a broad EVOOs selection such as earliest harvest, high polyphenols level, mono/multi-varietals and special colours requirements
Keep the quality you make consistent
Our operating business model establishes alliances with Spanish farmers and producers on certain high
Buy direct from producers
We qualify for you the best offers/suppliers at any given moment among more than 1000 Spanish producers as are also working on an first MVP initiative -OLIVIFY that consists of a bulk olive oil marketplace to connect producers with US importers
Choose the batch by your-selft
Be yourself the one to value among different quality alternatives and do not settle for ´That is what there is´
Improve the UX of your O&V bulk store
We know how important it is to generate a truly transformational experience for your customers and we can help you achieve it
24/7 Availability
You could be suffering high levels of Out-of-stock since COVID-19 and worldwide transport chaos that are exposing the fragility of the entire supply chain. Our aim is to achieve certainly 24/7 EVOO bulk availability in Florida area soonest to let you save time and money